Nashville y’all!

I’ve been meaning to post something new for weeks, but well, we’ve had a beautiful summer and it was hard to stay stuck to the computer when the sun kept calling me outside!  I’m gonna post a whole bunch of new stuff so let’s start with Nashville.

I was in Nashville with another photographer to photograph a National convention for a sales company.  Sounds boring, but it was actually fast-paced and fun.  Downtown Nashville is made up of a lot of concrete and feels quite industrial so being on foot in the heat didn’t make me want to venture out very far from my hotel (& air conditioning).  We were working most of the time so I didn’t take a lot of personal pics (I had just finished a 13 hour day of photo-taking) but I did spend one night walking around with my camera.

Country music is played EVERYWHERE.  After a while all I had was country songs in my head and I was singing them in the shower and whistling down the street!  A lot of the bars even have live music playing 24-hours a day.  At first I felt out of place in those “honky-tonk bars” but most people are pretty friendly and when a cowboy boot-wearing, wrestler-looking muscle man gave me an enthusiastic (and ridiculous) “heeeyyy sistaaaa” with a wink and a smile I just couldn’t help laughing out loud!  o_0  Here’s some pics.

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